Our innovative and holistic early childhood education program provides a balanced approach to give you the satisfaction and peace of mind that your child is not only getting ready for kindergarten but also to take on the real world!

Teach the whole child
We know in the real world learning is beyond just reading, writing and math! Here we teach the whole child while focussing on cognitive, creative, structured & unstructured play, engagement and social skills.

Empowers parents to participate
Our curriculum allows seamless communication with our parent community. Every week a detailed report on the week’s activities is shared with the parents. Personalized comments on the child’s work and activities are also communicated. Events and contests involving parents are held every term to participate in the learning process.

Never miss an opportunity to educate
Our teachers and children are always bubbling with new ideas to make the learning environment dynamic which makes it truly amazing. When sing when we are lining up to go to the park area or when we are cleaning up or when we are washing hands to sit down for snack time. The puppets are always a part of our circle time.Our aerobics sessions also teach them the body parts. Theme bases exhibitions and displays are set up to showcase the ingenuity and innovativeness of our teaching methods. In short, we never miss an opportunity to educate.

Infrastructure Wise!
Our entire learning environment and the campus is designed & built to be a ‘home away from home’ for your children. Wide, open sand cushioned areas and tastefully decorated air-conditioned classrooms is a given. Everything about KinderNest is designed to provide a proper and safe environment to stimulate emotional and intellectual growth in the early years of a child.
The outdoor play areas are fully equipped with a splash pool, a pet zone, a bike track and a gardening corner. Safety of the children is of utmost concern at KinderNest and all outdoor equipment is secured safely to the ground with bolts and concrete. All our furniture is all ergonomically designed to provide maximum comfort and they come with rounded edges for safety.
The goal of the KINDERGyan TM Curriculum is to
- Provide the best possible ‘start’ in life
- Nurture lifelong learning
- Bring out the best and the uniqueness in EVERY child
Our 8 pronged approach ensures that we meet our curriculum goals and our children get the very best!

People Smart
Children with Interpersonal intelligence typically learn best by working with others. Here the approach to teach the child would be through getting the children involved in discussions and debates.

Self Smart
Intrapersonal Intelligence has to do with introspective and self-reflective capacities. Those who are strongest in this intelligence learn best when allowed to concentrate on the subject by themselves. There is often a high level of perfectionism associated with this intelligence.

Word Smart
Children with high verbal-linguistic intelligence display a facility with words and languages. They tend to learn best by reading, listening and discussing. They are also frequently skilled at explaining, teaching and oration. Those with verbal-linguistic intelligence learn multiple languages very easily.

Music Smart
Musically smart children have a high level of musical-rhythmic intelligence display greater sensitivity to sounds, rhythms, tones, and music. These children will often use songs or rhythms to learn and memorize information, and may work best with music playing in the background.

Number Smart
This Logical-mathematical intelligence has to do with logic, abstractions, reasoning, and numbers. Children with this style of learning are more receptive to activities involving mathematical ability and more reasoning capabilities, abstract patterns recognition.

Nature Smart
Children with Naturalistic Intelligence have greater sensitivity to nature and their place within it, the ability to nurture and grow things, and greater ease in caring for, taming and interacting with animals. These children must connect a new experience with prior knowledge to truly learn something new. Naturalistic learners would learn more through being outside or in a kinesthetic way.

Picture Smart
A child with Visual-spatial intelligence will be typically very good at visualizing and mentally manipulating objects. Those with visual-spatial intelligence also generally have a very good sense of direction and may also have very good hand-eye coordination.

Body Smart
This approach tries to impart concepts by getting the children to learn by involving muscular movement, i.e. getting up and moving around into the learning experience. The activities would involve sports and dance. The children with bodily-kinesthetic intelligence usually learn best by doing something physically, rather than reading or hearing about it.
Is your child Creative, Analytical or practical?
We assess your child’s intellect and help give your child a HEADSTART!!!
KinderNest not only nurtures the learning needs of the children but also follows a unique approach to assess the INTELLECT child. We call it ‘The CAP Assessment methodology*’.

*Robert Sternberg’s ‘triarchich’ theory of intelligence
The CAP assessment methodology, based on Robert Sternberg’s ‘triarchich’ theory of intelligence, contends that intelligent behavior arises from a balance between Creative, Analytical and Practical abilities, and that these abilities function collectively to allow individuals to achieve success.

- Creative abilities generate invention, discovery, and other creative endeavors.
- Analytical abilities enable the individual to evaluate, analyze, compare and contrast information.
- Practical abilities tie everything together by allowing individuals to apply what they have learned in the appropriate setting.
In this context, they aid parents to identify each unique child and his or her strengths in order to aid them to achieve their best possible.
The theory is thus in line with our tag line, “We’ll teach them to fly”.
Why KinderNest Online Learning
program is the best alternative to regular preschool approach!
Give your child the benefit of EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION from the safety of your home!
Blended Teaching
Live sessions with the teachers coupled with guided work @home
Interactive Sessions
Highly engaging sessions to connect with the child and build rapport
Remote @home videos
Recorded videos to watch from the safety of your home for reinforcement of concepts
Digital Resources
Innovative and attractive resources to capture and hold the child’s attention. 100+ unique multi-sensory experiences that foster growth
Positive screen time
Well planned and thought out online curriculum with well trained teachers to positively benefit and influence the child
World-class activities
Inspired by Waldorf, Multiple Intelligence and Playway Method

What you will get from
KinderNest Online Learning program?
One hour of interactive and guided program everyday, Monday through Friday
Aerobics, Music and Movement and Yoga for wellness
Best in class teachers to work effectively with your child
Storytelling, Sing-a-long, Puppetry sessions for creative visualization
Learn @ Home Videos to complement the theme of the day
App-based activities to supplement and reinforce concepts
Developmental tracker and feedback sessions